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Knowing what its like for everyone to hate you is all too familiar for Sunset Shimmer. Since the Fall Formal and Battle of the Bands, Sunset thought that she was forgiven. That her past was all behind her. But when a MyStable user named Anon-A-Miss appears and starts posting everyone's personal secrets, all fingers are pointed at Sunset. Now the entire school hates her again. Even her friends believe she's guilty. Will Sunset be able to overcome this and prove her innocence? Or will she admit defeat and lose all hope in friendship? Or worse?

Rated T for profanity, violence, and depression

This is my very first story. I have never written anything before this so I would appreciate some comments on how I'm either doing good or bad and what can I improve on
Special thanks to Snowflake Dissonance, Madox, Sar Meister, Tungul, and probably Demegor for helping me proofread and fix some stupid and simple mistakes of mine and for providing the awesome looking cover photo :twilightsmile:

Chapters (5)

Hated and abandoned, Sunset Shimmer can't help but feel depressed with the events around the MyStable incident at Canterlot High.

Fortunately, she will find the support needed in the form of a peculiar being. A narrative from Sunset's point of view.

Cover art by Thomas Sabatié

Chapters (1)

With a single post, just a handful of pictures from her phone, Anon-A-Miss managed to destroy months of effort to redeem herself. Even her actions at the Battle of the Bands seem to mean nothing in the face of this apparant treachery.

But when the Rainbooms confront Sunset, about her sudden betrayal and cast her out, she gives a response none of them had anticipated.

Chapters (5)

WARNING! Spoilers for Forgotten Friendship

Wallflower Blush is still taking care of the school’s secret garden but now she has a friend to do it with. On her off hours, Sunset makes time for the girl even though she still spends time with her other friends. Because going out of her way to be nice to someone that needs it is something she has learned can make all the difference in the world. There’s also something special about this girl. Something she can’t quite put her finger on…yet.

Confrontational in-your-face first movie Sunset comes out of her Rainbow Rocks shell a little bit. ;)
Released same day as Forgotten Friendship. Could not contain Wallflower :heart:

Forgotten Friendship spoilers
Some touching
No graphic content
All characters are 18+

Audio reading by Wubcake

Popular Stories 2/17-20/2018. Featured 2/18/2018.

Art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (1)

Anon-A-Miss, a mysterious internet user who corrupted Canterlot High School. Everyone have accused Sunset Shimmer of this betrayal, even her friends have abandoned her.
Now Sunset is alone, as she once was, and depends only on herself to start again, among shadows ... New faces, and not so new ones, will come to her life.
Will Sunset be happy again? Canterlot will ever know the truth? What will happen to the magic of friendship?

- "dark" label due to psychological conflicts and a certain degree of physical aggression -

- All chapters have been editing and correcting by icecreammac-

Chapters (34)

Sunset's had enough. All the hate aimed at her on a daily bases for a crime she never even committed finally pushed her to the breaking point. When she finally decides to end the pain, a former victim of her cruelty becomes her savior. Now the battle to gather what little remains of Sunset's heart has begun, and with her new friends at her sides, will she be victorious or will Anon-a-miss finally break what's left of her?

Chapters (12)

Sunset Shimmer has lost the will to live after Anon-A-Miss has turned the entire school, including her friends, against her. However, things dont go her way as she wakes up to find her world in ruin's, and must now defeat the evil that she was supposed to defeat 100 years ago, all while proving to her old friends and the remaining human's she has changed.

ok, so Ive recently been reading abunch of stories where Sunset gets pushed to the edge in the comic (we all know the one) and I wanted to do a story going into it, but... since Im a crossover guy, this is how I went with it. (would you believe a big part of how i typed this was thanks to PBG's song "Open Your Eyes"?) so hope you guys enjoy it, and probs to me for actually trying to type a story with fucking dead pixels everywhere so if you guys see any typo's or spelling errors or something, let me know so I can attempt to fix it.


Chapters (10)

Sunset Shimmer is devastated since her friends abandoned her because of Anon-A-Miss. While she tries to figure out what to do a new girl arrives in town, not knowing that she will be involved into an event she doesn't know about or has control over.

Chapters (23)

When they find themselves banished to a world full of strange two-legged creatures called humans, the Dazzlings find existence of true Equestrian magic at an unexpected place: Canterlot High School. After signing up to be new students at this high school, they find themselves stuck with a certain someone who just won't leave them alone.


Please be aware the only reason there's a romance tag is because of some light shipping of Adagio and Sunset Shimmer which comes in a later chapter.

Also, the Dazzlings are half-Siren and half-pony in this fanfiction. My headcanon, my fic. It's as simple as that. Sue me.

Chapters will be posted on DeviantArt before they get posted on here. http://robocheatsy.deviantart.com/gallery/61662358/A-Dazzling-Tale

(I will post chapters here whenever possible I order for this to get caught up to the one I have on DeviantArt. After this is caught up, chapters will usually be posted on weekends (usually Saturdays.) )

Chapters (15)

Sonata decides to go for a walk, feeling unwanted and unloved. This leads her to run into Sunset, someone who might just be what she needs right now more than ever.

Chapters (1)